Physics 111- الحرس الوطني - part 2
This course will explain all the chapters required for COSHP and nursing. All the problems, review cards, previous exams, and review cards will be explained before each midterm for any other in
- جامعة الملك سعود بن عبدالعزيز الصحية
- Created by أ.رنا ابو زيد
- Last update 2023-03-06
- العربية English
Chapter 7
- Part 1 :electrostatic and current 26:44
- Ch7part2 -Electric Force 32:28
- Ch7part3 12:01
- Chapter7-part4-Examples of Finding Electric Field 19:16
- Chapter7 -Part5- Introduction to the Current 29:33
- -Chapter7-Part 6 Semiconductors 13:54
- Chapter7-part7-parallel and series 19:27
- ch7-part8-power 28:07
- ch7-part9-Power- Unit 07:41
- Ch7-part10-Transformer 13:59
- Question solution-CHAPTER 7 19:58
- Review-card 16:22
- ch8 part 1 -Magnetic Introduction 08:24
- chapter8part2-Magntaic poles 13:15
- chap8 part3-Meissner Effect 19:16
- chapter 8 part4- Observation 15:03
- chapter8part5 -Motor&Transformer 18:22
- chp8-part6-Transformer 16:43
- CH8-Part 7-EM Spectrum 16:46
- (Ch8-part8-EM (IR -Micro-IR-Visible-UV 23:14
- (CH8 -Part9 EM (X-ray ,Gamma ray 11:34
- CH8-Part10-Blackbody 24:27
- CH8-Part11-Green House 16:13
- Review-Crad 19:07
- solution qustions part1 10:07
- review-card-part2 13:19
- part1_Light Phenomena-edited 2023 21:16
- part 2 and 3- Interference and polarization -edited 2023 33:17
- part4-Flat Mirrors-edited 2023 13:09
- Part 5- Reflection -and type of mirrors -2023 25:20
- Part 6-Refraction-Same slid 2022 11:44
- part 7-principle of reversibility -edited 2023 16:16
- part8 -Refraction Calculation with examples same slid2022 20:17
- part 9-Critical angle-same slides 2022 18:08
- part10-lenses and mirror-Introduction 39:21
- part11- mirrors 12:36
- part12 - lenses 20:53
- part 13- Calculations important 35:21
- part14 -Application 18:08
- part15 -review -card+اسئلة اختبار 22:32
Review -Mid 1
- Review+ question ch7 -part 1 28:06
- Review+ question ch7 -part 2 58:53
- Review+ question ch7 -part 3 09:38
- Review+ question ch8 -part 1 01:13:17
- Review+ question ch9 -first 15 questions 01:06:28
- Review+ question ch9 -question 16-to 24 32:43
- Review+ question ch9 -question -25 to end خصائص الصور 13:18
- تجميعات شابتر 8 14:08
- حلول تجميعات الطلبة شابتر 7 مايقارب 50 سؤال 01:06:55
Chapter 10
- Ch10 part1-Black Body 25:59
- Chapter 10 part2 Photo electric 14:09
- Ch10part3 Blanck Constant 14:20
- Chap10 part4-A atomic spectrum 21:43
- Chp10part5-Bohr Model---نهاية اختبارات 2021 12:11
- Ch10 part6-wave -particle duality 19:40
- Ch10- part7-Uncertainty 18:36
- ch10-part8-Emission spectrum 29:10
- ch10-part9-Pauli Principles 10:38
- CH10-Part10-X-ray 29:07
- X-RAY-PART2 فقط ثلاث دقائق 23:05
- LASER 16:20
- Review Card 27:37
- Review-chapter8 23:32
Ch 11ولله الحمد بالتمام والكمال
- Ch 11 part1 - A bout Nucleus 16:02
- Ch11part2-Isotopes 27:37
- Chp11part3-Alpha-Beta-Gamma 42:09
- ch 11part4-Radiation Detection 06:12
- (ملاحظه الدقيقه 27 twelve يعني 12 وليس 20 تبديل الرقم elapse tim عند التعويض )-CH11-part5 31:32
- ch11-part6-Half life -part2 13:47
- Ch11part7-Nuclear Reactor 18:12
- Ch11-part8-Binding Energy 14:05
- Ch11-part-9-Binding energy part2 13:15
- CH-11-Part1`0-FISSION 13:40
- CH11-Par11-fusion 08:00
- Review-part2+Exams Questions 15:56
- REVIEW-CARD-PART1-ملاحظه مهمه اجابة سؤال 14 هي T 20:29
- Review-ch 9-ch 10 -ch 11 -question black board
Chapter 7
- This course will explain all the chapters required for COSHP and nursing. All the problems, review cards, previous exams, and review cards will be explained before each midterm for any other inquiries contact us at Ranahourani@ يرجى التاكد من دخول جروب المادة
Rana , studied for (master’s degree in medical physics) Rana has 11 years of experience working in the most elegant places at the Kingdom أ. رنا حاصلة على درجة الماجستير في الفيزياء تعمل لدى ف اكاديمية للحصول على اعلى درجة للاستفادة من اي منهج انصح بعدم تراكم الفديوهات وكذلك انصح بضرورة الإنضمام لجروب التلجرام في حال الأستفسار عن معلومات محددة
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افضل شرح لمنهج فيزياء الحرس والمراجعات مهمه قبل الاختبار والمذاكره اول باول
شرحها ممتاز ومفهوم الله يوفقها يارب
شرحها بالفيز لا يعلى عليه وبفضل الله ثم مس رنا وجهدي جبت قريد ممتاز جدًا