Chapter 2: Application Layer (بنات وبنين)
Network (الكورس يشمل قسم البنات والبنين) Course
By Eng.Enaam
Chapter 2: Application Layer (بنات وبنين)
- Lecture 2: Part 1 50:26
- Lecture 3: Web and HTTP 41:45
- Lecture 4: FTP and Electronic Mail 58:47
- Lecture 5 - DNS 31:56
- Lecture 6: P2P and Socket Programming 20:50
- Tutorial for Chapter 2
- Lecture 1: Application Layer (Updated version 2022) 30:09
- Lecture 2: Process Communicating (Updated version 2022) 21:36
- Lecture 3: Transport Services Available to Applications (Updated version) 21:08
- Lecture 4: Application Layer Protocols 26:07
- Lecture 5: DNS Protocol 14:05
Chapter 2: Application Layer (بنات وبنين)