CHAPTER 2 Determinants
- 2.1 Minors And Cofactors 17:16
- 2.1 Definition of a General Determinant 10:09
- 2.1 Smart Choice of Row and Column 09:03
- 2.1 Determinant of Triangular Matrix 04:58
- 2.1 Evaluating of 3X3 Determinants 05:04
- 2.2 Basic Theorems 03:02
- 2.2 Elementary Row Operations 09:09
- 2.2 Determinant of Elementary Matrices 06:49
- 2.2 Matrices with Proportional Rows or Columns 05:46
- 2.2 Evaluating Determinant by Row Reduction 04:54
- 2.2 Extra Examples 04:38
- 2.2 Another Ways to Evaluate Determinant 09:06
- 2.3 determinant KA 05:26
- 2.3 det(A+B) 07:10
- 2.3 det(AB) 02:42
- 2.3 Determinant Test for Invertibilty 06:01
- 2.3 Entries and Cofactor From Different Rows 05:56
- 2.3 Adjoint Matrix 08:11
- 2.3 Using the Ajoint to Find an Inverse Matrix 03:56
- 2.3 Cramer's Rule 09:28
CHAPTER 2 Determinants