Lecture 2
- (k v l , k c l) impedance series 15:23
- Exercise and problem (9-6) 28:17
- Impedance. Parallel 13:19
- ملخص القوانين 03:36
- Example: (9-10 ), Example (9-9 ), practice problem (9-9) 36:31
- Exercise 17:57
- Example 9-11 11:49
- Exercise (9-7),(9-8) 16:07
- Practices problem( 9-10 , 9-11) 15:30
- node , super node , mesh , super mesh , super position 37:06
- example: (10-3 ) , (10-5) 37:12
- Example(10-2) 21:15
- Practices problem( 10-2) 13:42
- Practices problem( 10-3) 15:58
- Example(10-4) 22:15
- Source transformation 19:58
- Example(10-7) , practice problem (10-7 Quiz ✨) 23:37
- Sheet2 : exercise 1 ,2 21:19
- Sheet 2 : Exercise 3 ,4 17:36
- Sheet2: Exercise 5 ,6 25:54
- Sheet2 : Exercise 7 07:13
- Sheet :2 exercise 8 ,9 , 10 40:13
- Sheet2: Exercise. : 11,12 31:03
- Sheet 2:exercise :13,14,15 38:46
- Thevenin and Norton 20:05
- Examples( Thevenin , Norton💫 midterm ) 44:47
- Exercise (9-10) 14:24
- MCQ💥 25:22
- Quiz✨(1444) 13:12
- Midterm ✨(1445) 28:32
- Exercise (9-30) Quiz1(1445) 11:56
- Quiz1 (1445) 04:32
Lecture 2