Kinematics of a particle : work and energy , impulse and momentum
Kinematics of a particle : work and energy , impulse and momentum
- ملخص : work and energy 34:24
- Work of a force , Wight , spring force 30:48
- Principle of work and energy 22:08
- Problem(14-13) 37:18
- Problem (14-21)💥مهم 39:45
- F14-5 33:18
- Problem(14-3) final 1445✨ 18:55
- Problem(14-6) 19:46
- Problem(14-11) 12:33
- ملخص : Impure and momentum 20:45
- Principle of of impulse and momentum 31:18
- Problem solving 08:53
- Example1 18:00
- Example2 19:32
- Problem 💥 مهمه 15:11
- (Problem: 15-2) final1445✨ 17:53
- Problem 15-6 19:49
- ✨MCQ :work and energy 15:20
- ✨Mcq : Impulse and moment 20:46
Kinematics of a particle : work and energy , impulse and momentum