Performance Analysis
Master the analysis of Algorithms using big-o notation
Performance Analysis
- Intro to PA 15:47
- Types of Functions 28:17
- Constant Factors and Lower-order Terms 20:14
- Analysis Cases 11:05
- Big-oh Notation 26:31
- More on Big-O 21:19
- Basic Math : Logarithms 20:38
- Summation Notation 34:45
- Double Summation 23:07
- Representing Loops Using Summation 13:20
- Comparing Algorithm 05:08
- Primitive Operations 12:32
- Working with Loops 13:29
- Finding Big-Oh 10:12
- Frequency Testing 09:25
- Reversed Loops 09:30
- Multiplication and Division in Loops 16:26
- Log Analysis-Optional 10:10
- Nested Loops 19:48
- Dependent Nested Loops 37:32
- Conditional Statements 08:26
- While Loop and Nested While Loops 14:28
- Do While Loop 02:04
- Running Time in Asymptotic Notation 05:47
- Analyzing Code and Problems 05:11
- Best and Worst Running Time Input 03:42
- Problem Set
Performance Analysis
دراسة ذاتية
Master the analysis of Algorithms using big-o notation -
Naif works as a software engineer. He likes designing, building, and developing highly scalable and secured systems along with testing.
He's a professional certified Java programmer by Oracle. He has rich knowledge in programming languages {such as Java, Python, C, Swift, etc} advanced algorithms & data structures. Naif has the passion to work as an instructor, he has more than 9 years of experience in the field.
He likes to teach people how to program, how to build robust systems, and how should they think logically during the systems development and the right usage of data structures.
Most of his interests now are iOS Development, Backend Engineering, Backend Technologies, Cloud-Native Apps and Tools -
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