الإتصال بالأقمار الصناعية IT425
a satellite is a smaller object that revolves around a larger object in space. For example, moon is a natural satellite of earth.
Communication refers to the exchange (sharing) of information bet
a satellite is a smaller object that revolves around a larger object in space. For example, moon is a natural satellite of earth.
Communication refers to the exchange (sharing) of information between two or more entities, through any medium or channel. In other words, it is nothing but sending, receiving and processing of information -
My name is Sara I 'm electronic and communication engineer.
Sara Qualifications: Masters in Networks and Communications.
Sara Experiences:
1- professor at the National Institute of Communications for training computer network courses like CCNA ,CCNP , computer programs.
2- Sara experiences 10 years for teaching Princess Noura University subjects as :
* communications and network fundamentals It222
*computer network fundamentals it221
* Digital Logical design cs105
* Information Security it311
*advanced computer network net431
*Satellite Communication it425
*Wireless Network it331
*Network security net412d
* Network King saud university
*Digital logic design IMAMU University
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