Software Development (Java and JDBC) Pro201
Welcome to the Software Development course!
In this course, you're going to develop a real-world project using your basic programming concepts.
The course will start with an introduction to the s
- Introduction
- Developing JDBC Applications
- Sample Programs on JDBC
- Case Study and Security
🏆 Project
- Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) 53:43
- 🖍 📐 Designing The Schema 19:37
- Software Architecture 33:37
- 💻 Coding: Datasource and Connection 42:11
- 💻 Coding: Generic DAO 01:04:38
- 💻 Coding: Student DAO 01:09:20
- 💻 Coding: Course DAO 41:17
- 💻 Coding: Registration DAO 32:39
- 💻 Coding: Set Generated Primary Keys 09:15
- 💻 🔬 Code Refactoring 01:10:19
- Repository Pattern 22:53
- 💻 Coding: Abstract and Student Repository 01:01:25
- 💻 Coding: Course Repository 01:12:03
- Business Logic Layer 09:00
- 💻 Coding: Student Service 01:33:32
- 💻 Coding: Course Service 08:13
- 💻 Coding: Data Transfer Object Pattern(DTO) 42:33
- 📱Presentation (UI) Layer 23:51
- 📱💻 GUI Coding: App Layout 27:25
- 📱💻 GUI Coding: Header & Footer Views 01:00:55
- 📱💻 GUI Coding: Content View 01:04:46
- 📱💻 GUI Coding: Navigation & Routing 01:14:36
- 📱💻 GUI Coding: Student Management Views 01:45:26
- 📱💻 GUI Coding: Refactoring, Sizing and Alert 01:17:10
- 📱💻 GUI Coding: Responsive Design and Tables 53:58
- 📱💻 GUI Coding: Integrating with Service Layer 01:26:45
دراسة ذاتية
Welcome to the Software Development course!
In this course, you're going to develop a real-world project using your basic programming concepts.
The course will start with an introduction to the storage systems in the computer, and then we'll deep dive into the database and SQL language.
Section two will explain everything you need about JDBC and how to use it to connect a Java App to a Database(MySQL DB).
Section three is about practice, practice and practice. In this section, you're going to write simple Java programs that communicate with MySQL database using concepts you've learned in section two.
In section four you'll have a case study to build a web page using java and JDBC.(Optional)
also, you learn a little bit about security, SQL Injection Attacks are one of the top-ten vulnerabilities, you'll get to know it and learn how to build secure Apps to protect them against this vulnerability(Mandatory).
The last section is all about the project. More than 20 hours will show you everything you need to build a real-world project.
Concepts you'll find in this project from real-life:
Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC).
Data Access Layer and using Data Access Object and Repository patterns to implement this layer.
Service Layer or Business Logic Layer.
UI Layer using Java Swing to build the GUI.
The course will take your skills to the next level for sure, don't miss it!!
Happy Learning !
Naif -
Naif works as a software engineer. He likes designing, building, and developing highly scalable and secured systems along with testing.
He's a professional certified Java programmer by Oracle. He has rich knowledge in programming languages {such as Java, Python, C, Swift, etc} advanced algorithms & data structures. Naif has the passion to work as an instructor, he has more than 9 years of experience in the field.
He likes to teach people how to program, how to build robust systems, and how should they think logically during the systems development and the right usage of data structures.
Most of his interests now are iOS Development, Backend Engineering, Backend Technologies, Cloud-Native Apps and Tools -
Student feedback

500 SAR
52 Videos
11 Files
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الكورس جدا ررائع وممتع و مو دسم ابدا خفيف ومعلوماته جميله والفائده منه كبيره جدا بالكورسات الجامعيه وفي المستقبل الوظيفي والمهني والمشروع كان تطبيق حي لذلك… شكرر لتيم فجن والقائمين عليه🤍
such a useful course, I learned how to program a project with a simple concepts, when I finished this course I just realized that a programming is not that complicated, you can develop any project easily based on your academic outcome from your studies at university and a few new concepts that you'll learn in this course, This course prepared me for many projects in real life because it teached me how to program with a simple techniques.
الدورة ماشاء الله تبارك الله كانت ممتازه بدت بشكل نظري تأسيسي مع شرح الاسباب وتوضيحها بعدها انتقل الى الجزء العملي + النظري , كان ممتاز ويشرح اللايرس مع كل لاير وماهمه وعطاني تصور كيف الفريمس وررك تشتغل , بعد هذا الكورس راح يعطيك تصور كيف تقسم الكود واذا صارت مشكلة بالكود راح تعرف في اي لاير موجود فيه المشكلة الكورس ممتاز والشرح كان كافي ووافي
كورس مميز جدا ساعدني على فهم مواضيع لطالما كنت أتساءل عنها بدخولي لإحدي التطبيقات او المواقع ..اعطاني صوره كافيه ووافيه لتطوير مشروع حقيقي ..تم شرح محتوى الكورس بصوره سهله وغير معقده .تطور الجانب البرمجي لدي بصوره كبيره .
كورس رائع جداً ومُثري بالمعلومات ! في مدة قصيرة استفدت واكتسبت مهارات جديدة ، تطبيق المشروع كان ممتع وتعلمت منه اشياء كثيرة
الكورس كان جدا ممتع ومفيد استمتعت فيه كثير وتعلمت منه اشياء كثيره وجديده
I learned software development and building a program in the real world and the job market is connected to the database with easy and simple steps, and also all the concepts about the techniques used and the processes on the databases were clarified, that was very useful, great work .
In this course i learned software development and building real- world project . This course prepared me for many real-life projects and helped me learn how to program and develop software with simple concepts. Do not hesitate to enter this course, it will develop your software capabilities ! . thank you to all Vision Academy team
الكورس جدا جميل وخفيف والمعلومات ثرية . مفيدة جدا
الدورة ممتازة لكن المسمى يختلف عن جوهرها الحقيقي