مستودعات البيانات والتنقيب عن البيانات - Data Warehousing and Data Mining - First Part IS322T
The course objectives are: Recognize the fundamentals of data warehousing. Manipulate the data warehousing. Use the knowledge discovery in data warehousing. Discover knowledge in different ap
- The course objectives are: Recognize the fundamentals of data warehousing. Manipulate the data warehousing. Use the knowledge discovery in data warehousing. Discover knowledge in different applications. Recognize the data mining. Conduct different methods and algorithms of data mining
Eng. Enaam Ahmed Mohammed holds a B.sc of Computer Engineering (2004) from Cairo University - Egypt and Master degree in IT (2007) from SIKKIM MANIPAL University - India. She has teaching experience for more than 15 years and has professional Experience in the following fields: • Oracle 9i – Certified from oracle (OCA) • Visual Studio .Net ( C
) • C, C++ • Visual Basic 6 • PHP • JavaScript • HTML, CSS She worked as a Teacher at many Universities and educational centers from 2005 - 2010 such as UMS University, Al Wataneia University, NCC Eduction center and APTECH Worldwide center. From the beginning of 2010 till now she had taught many courses for different Saudi Arabia Universities such as PNU, KSU, PSU, Shaqra University and Imamu University. She has experience for teaching many courses as below: • Database fundamentals. • Software Engineering. • Networking and Network Protocols. • Information security. • Programming language (Java, C++, C
, Python) • Operating system. • Multi-tier and Web development. • System Analysis and design. • Data warehouse and Data Mining • Object Oriented design • Support and Decision Making Systems • Data Structure -
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39 Videos
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