Electric circuit 1 (210) الجزء الاول ECE210
الجزء الاول :مادة الدوائر الكهربائيه 1
- ملاحظات هامه
Lecture 1
- Electric circuit 20:56
- Voltage (potential difference ) 26:40
- Circuit elements 23:33
- Measuring devices 11:26
- Example 2-1 , 2-2 10:36
- ملخص قوانين chapter1 07:07
- Branches - node -loop- mesh 26:39
- مقدمه عن قانون اوم والفرق بين التوصيل على التوالي والتوصيل على التوازي 23:13
- KCL , KVL 21:14
- Example(2-5) 25:37
- Example (2-8) 34:20
- Example 2 11:55
- MCQ 💥: lecture 1 08:39
Lecture 2
- Example : 2-5 25:37
- Example 2-8 34:20
- Series resistors and voltage division /parallel resistors and current division
- Examples : 12-9 , 12-10 , 12-11
- Examples: 2-12 , 2-13
- ملخص للقوانين
- Practice problems :2-12 , 2-13 31:28
- Sheet 1 : Exercise :1 , 2 , 3 28:23
- Sheet 1 : Exercise : 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 34:35
- Sheet 1 : Exercise :8 , 9 , 12 , 13 36:30
- Sheet 1: Exercise :14 , 15 , 16 27:20
- Sheet 1 : Exercise :17 , 18 19 36:55
- MCQ💥 : Lecture 2 21:50
- مراجعه 1: quiz💥 32:33
- مراجعه2: quiz💥 28:26
- Quiz1: 2023 💥 14:14
Lecture 3
- Nodal analysis 26:03
- Steps to determine the node voltage 16:00
- example(3-1) , Example 1 34:15
- Example 2 , practice problem (3-1) 19:24
- Node/supper node/ non essential node 25:01
- example (3-3) 12:02
- Example: 3 ,4(اضافي) , 5 43:42
- Practice problem (3-3) 11:35
- Sheet 2: Exercise 1 , 2 33:26
- Sheet 2: Exercise 3, 4 13:53
- Sheet2: Exercise 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 35:10
- Quiz💥 22:48
- Quiz 1:2023: Supper node 💥 18:41
- MCQ💥 27:01
Lecture 4
- Mash analysis 35:34
- Mesh analysis : Current source exist only in one mesh 06:09
- Super mesh analysis 38:39
- Superposition 20:06
- Example :4-3 31:02
- Example :4-5 35:13
- Example 1 , 2 13:17
- Sheet3: Exercise: 1 , 2 , 3 28:59
- Sheet 3: Exercise : 4 , 5 18:21
- Sheet2 :exercise 6 , 7 21:12
- Sheet 3: Exercise 8 18:47
- Sheet 3: Exercise 9 22:58
- Lecture 5
- Mid 1:from lecture 1 to 5
- Labs
- الجزء الاول :مادة الدوائر الكهربائيه 1
Eng: Sally. Faculty of Engineering. Al.kahra University. graduated at 2010 with Excellent grade. Master degree in MATH and Statistics. 10 years teaching Experience for the subjects of MATH and Statistics in Saudi Arabia. Online Education Experience with all Universities: Princess Noura university, AL-IMAM university and King Saud university
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