General Physics 1 (PHYS101) PHYS 101
This course covers topics in units and measurements, motion in one dimension, vectors, Newton's laws of motion and applications, circular motion, work and energy, elasticity, waves and oscillations,
- جامعة الأميرة نورة بنت عبدالرحمن
- Created by Dr. Mohamed Ismail
- Last update 2024-08-20
- العربية English
- Lecture 1 [Units]
Lecture 2 [Motion in 1D]
Lecture 3 [Force and Newton's Laws]
- Part 1 Introduction 02:23
- Part 2 Force concept 14:53
- Part 3 Vector sum of forces 10:44
- Part 4: Newtons 1st Law. 16:25
- Part 5: Newton's 2nd Law 38:48
- Part 6: Universal Gravitation 17:54
- Part 7- Newton's 3rd Law 22:27
- Part 8- Friction 11:47
- Part 9- HW-1 19:52
- Part 10- Extra problems 13:06
- Part 11 How to solve problems 16:42
- تجميعات كويز 1 جزء أول
تجميعات كويز 1 جزء ثان
Lecture 4 [Energy and Energy Transfer]
- Part 1 Outlines 02:31
- Part 2 Work and energy definition 13:33
- Part 3 Work done by a constant force 23:24
- Part 4 Work done by a variable force 28:09
- Part 5 Kinetic Energy 18:25
- Part 6 Potential Energy 29:11
- Part 7 Conservation of energy 09:29
- Part 8 Elastic properties of solids 06:23
- Part 9 HW 12:19
- Part 10 Extra problems 17:46
Lecture 5 [ Fluid Mechanics ]
- L6 [Simple Harmonic Motion]
L7 Wave motion and superposition
L8 [ Temperature and Heat ]
L9 ElectricFields
L10 Image formation
- Part 1 Outlines 02:11
- Part 2 Reflection and refraction 18:52
- Part 3 Flat mirror 14:58
- Part 4 Spherical mirrors 22:18
- Part 5 Sign rules for mirrors 12:17
- Part 6 Concave mirror 15:19
- Part 7 Convex mirrors 08:18
- Part 8 Thin lenses 09:00
- Part 9 Convex lens 10:11
- Part 10 Concave lenses 04:44
- Part 11 Mirrors and lenses law 15:11
- Part 12 Some optical applications 07:21
- Part 13 Problems 09:04
L11 [Atomic Structure and Nuclear radiation]
تجميعات فصول
- L1 and L2 Units and1 D motion 01:03:45
- L3 Force 37:47
- L4 Work 36:17
- L5 Fluid part 1 56:33
- L5 Fluid part2 24:34
- L6 SHM 25:37
- L7 Waves part1 20:43
- L7 Waves part 2 37:48
- L8 Heat and temperature 01:09:50
- L9 ElectricFields 38:55
- L10 Image formation 01:45:29
- L11 [Atomic Structure and Nuclear radiation] part2 24:28
- L11 [Atomic Structure and Nuclear radiation] part1 12:19
- Quiz2 Fall24 Fluid SHMwaves 14:46
- Quiz 2Fall2024 part2 34:34
- ملخصات الفصول
- تجميعات ميدترم أول
- تجميعات كويز 3
- تجميعات ميدترم ثان
- تجميعات فاينال
- تجميعات عملي
- Lab Experiments
- This course covers topics in units and measurements, motion in one dimension, vectors, Newton's laws of motion and applications, circular motion, work and energy, elasticity, waves and oscillations, temperature and heat ,properties of fluids mirrors and lenses. Students study basic laws in each subject and their applications.
Dr. Ismail is an assistant professor of Engineering Physics. Had his Bachelor degree at Electrical Engineering and Masters' in Engineering physics then he got his PhD in Nuclear Engineering from USA. + 20 yrs of experience in teaching physics for college students. He is the founder of Physics for Engineers Youtube Channel the Most famous physics Channel at YouTube in the Arab World.
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