برمجة جافا 1 - 2025 - الجزء الثاني CS110
Learn programming in the right manner, this course will provide you all the basics you need to become a good programmer with a solid knowledge of all programming concepts such as variables, control fl
- جامعة الأميرة نورة بنت عبدالرحمن
- Created by Eng.Naif AlShehri
- Last update 2025-01-16
- العربية English
Lecture 5: Loops
- Types of Repetition 12:16
- While Loop 23:24
- Class Average Exercise 06:38
- Sentinel-controlled Repetition 22:41
- do-while Loop 07:10
- for Loop 19:26
- break and continue keywords 14:18
- Nested Control Structure 26:44
- Tutorial 1: Tracing- output 02:11:05
- Tutorial 1: Tracing-Errors 59:11
- Tutorial 2:Coding 01:53:37
- Tutorial 3: Theory 01:36:17
- Nested loop 27:33
- مراجعة Nested Loops 01:51:19
- Exercises 37:33
Lecture 6: Methods
- Intro To Methods 21:57
- Predefined Methods: Math Class 29:24
- Predefined Methods: Random Method 15:39
- User-defined Methods 56:51
- Argument Promotion and Casting 10:22
- Scope of Declarations 21:46
- Method Call Stack 14:00
- Method Overloading 13:05
- Tutorial 1: Tracing - Output 02:18:08
- Tutorial 1: Tracing - Errors 43:50
- Tutorial 2: Coding 01:56:04
- Tutorial 3: Theory and Revision 02:28:34
Lecture 7: Arrays
- What and Why Arrays? 20:51
- Declaring Arrays 31:23
- Accessing Array Elements 20:58
- Using For Loop to Traverse Array 11:24
- Array Common Operations 38:51
- Enhanced For Loop 18:34
- Arrays and Methods 43:48
- Tow-Dimensional Array (2D) 31:51
- 2D-Array Common Operations 22:11
- 2D-Array and Methods 24:52
- Tutorial 1: Output and Errors 02:41:17
- Tutorial 2: Theory Part 1 01:28:29
- Tutorial 2: Theory Part 2 01:00:12
- Tutorial 3: Coding 01:11:16
- Extra_Tutorial_Lecture_Array 01:11:09
- Lecture 8: Introduction to Classes and Objects
- Lab
- Reference Books
Final Lab
- Lec 7 Coding Part 1 58:46
- Lec 7 Coding Part 2 01:16:36
- Lec 7 Coding Part 3 57:06
- Previous Exams Final Lab Part1 01:34:09
- Previous Exams Final Lab Part2 56:01
- Lec 7 2D Array Coding Part 1 54:58
- Lec 7 2D Array Coding Part 2 01:05:44
- Practice Exam Part 1 57:03
- Practice Exam Part 2 38:42
- Final lab 32:12
- Revision 41:06
- Revision#2 01:06:12
Previous Exams
- Quiz 1 Sample A and B 01:42:42
- Lab Eval 1 A 22:15
- Lab Eval 1 B 29:14
- Mid I 01:19:30
- Quiz 1 - 2023 38:49
- Lab Eval 2 Sample A And B 17:15
- Lab Eval #2 Sample C 32:23
- Lab Eval#2 Part 2 12:03
- Mid 2 01:05:31
- Lab Quiz 01:53:50
- Lab Quiz A 57:00
- Coffee Shop 12:35
- Marketing company 12:57
- Mimbership 13:50
- Lab Quiz B 01:30:54
- Final Exam 52:32
- Mid 1 17:38
- Mid 2 25:13
- Mid 1 17:29
- 📌Final Lab 32:12
- Exercises 27:32
- 🔴 LEC 6, 7 and 8 Revision 01:03:37
- Final Exam 2023 01:09:00
- Mid2#2023 39:53
- Quiz 2023 28:49
- 🔴 Revision
Lecture 5: Loops
دراسة ذاتية
Learn programming in the right manner, this course will provide you all the basics you need to become a good programmer with a solid knowledge of all programming concepts such as variables, control flow, loops, and arrays.
Enjoy the course! -
Naif works as a software engineer. He likes designing, building, and developing highly scalable and secured systems along with testing.
He's a professional certified Java programmer by Oracle. He has rich knowledge in programming languages {such as Java, Python, C, Swift, etc} advanced algorithms & data structures. Naif has the passion to work as an instructor, he has more than 9 years of experience in the field.
He likes to teach people how to program, how to build robust systems, and how should they think logically during the systems development and the right usage of data structures.
Most of his interests now are iOS Development, Backend Engineering, Backend Technologies, Cloud-Native Apps and Tools -
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الله يسعدكم على جهودكم ماقصرتي دكتوره غاليه معنا ولا المهندس يعطيكم العافيه
افضلللل واحد بلا منازع إذا اشتركتو معه "وذاكرتو معه التتوريال و اللكتشرات و الابات معه وم جبتو قريد عالي كلموني أنا ارجع لكم فلوسكممم لأني واثقه بيعجبكم😂💕
من افضل الكورسات شكراً للمهندس نايف واستاذه غاليه ماقصرو من جميع النواحي
الله يسعدكم يا رب ويسهل عليكم شكراً للمهندس نايف أفضل شرح وبذمة وضمير وبدون تنقيص لأي معلومة وشكرا دكتورة غالية على تعاونك معانا وردك في اي وقت نحتاجك فيه ما قصرتوا ابد