CHAPTER 10 graphs
- 10.1 graphs 12:16
- 10.2 graph terminology 17:18
- 10.2 handshaking theorem 16:16
- 10.2 special simple graph 12:18
- 10.2 bipartite graph 26:41
- 10.2 subgraph 12:57
- أسئلة إضافية في الخطة درس 10.2 16:47
- 10.3 graph isomorphsim 28:04
- 10.3 Adjacency and Incidence Matrices (تم إضافته بعد التحديث) 13:53
- 10.4 path and connected graph 31:25
- 10.4 Cut Vertex - Cut Eage - Pathes and Isomorphism (للأولاد فقط) 22:39
- 10.7 planar graphs part 1 15:08
- 10.7 planar graphs part 2 14:11
CHAPTER 10 graphs