تراكيب محددة - ريض 151
logical equivalence, arguments, methods of proof. Relations, equivalence relations, order relations. Boolean algebras, logic circuits, simplification of circuits. Graphs, connectedness, isomorphisms,
Chapter 1 The Foundations: Logic and Proofs (new)
- 1.1 What Is The Meaning of Proposition 07:47
- 1.1 Negation 10:00
- 1.1 Conjunction and Disjunction 07:05
- 1.1 Conditional Statement 13:33
- 1.1 Bioconditional- Truth table- Precedence 11:32
- 1.3 Logical Equivalent ( By Truth Table ) 00:00
- 1.3 Logical Equivalent ( By Identaties) 24:28
- 1.4 Predicate 09:44
- 1.4 Universal Quantifier 21:33
- 1.4 Existential Quantifier 16:10
- 1.4 Negating Quantified 06:21
- 1.7 Direct proof 13:44
- 1.7 contrapostive 12:30
- 1.7 Vacuous and Trivial Proof 09:28
- 1.7 Definition of Rational Number 12:16
- 1.7 Contradiction Proof 19:38
- 1.7 Proof of Equivalence and the Counterexsample 23:09
- 1.7 Mistakes in proofs 06:30
Chapter 5 Induction and Recursion (new)
- 1.5 Mathematical Induction (examples 1,2,3,4) 33:06
- 1.5 Mathematical Induction ( Example 5,6,8) 21:34
- 5.2 Strong Induction Part 1 24:31
- 5.2 Strong Induction Part 2 15:40
- Exercise 5.1 Mathematical Induction part 1 17:30
- Exercise 5.1 Mathematical Induction part 2 13:31
- Exercise 5.1 Mathematical induction part 3 28:28
- Exercise 5-2 Strong Induction Part 1 15:34
- Exercise 5.2 Strong induction Part 2 39:00
Chapter 9 : Relation (new)
- 9.1 What Is a Relation ? 12:36
- 9.1 Relation On a Set 14:25
- 9.1 Reflexive Relation 14:23
- 9.1 What Are Symmetric And Antisymmetric Relations 11:01
- 9.1 Examples of Symmetric and Antisymmetric 27:32
- 9.1 What Is the Meaning of Transtive Relation? 13:36
- 9.1 Examples of Transitive Relation 26:52
- 9.1 Combined Relation 14:37
- 9.1 Composite Relation and Inverse and Complement Relation 23:40
- 9.3 Represinting Relations by Matrices 27:07
- 9.3 Representing Relation by Digraph 25:31
- 9.5 Equivalence Relation 33:28
- 9.5 Equivalence Class 12:46
- 9.5 Equivalence Class and Partition 25:15
- 9.5 Example of Congruence Relation 11:04
- 9.6 Partial Orderings 15:33
- 9.6 Partial Ordering, Comparable and Incomparable Elements 17:08
- 9.6 Hasse Diagram 29:01
- 9.1 Extra Exercise 06:53
- Exercise: 9.1 Relations and their Properties part 1 35:44
- Exercise: 9.1 Relations and their Properties part 2 47:05
- Exercise: 9.1 Relations and their Properties part 3 09:32
- Exercise: 9.3 representing relation 18:56
- Exercise: 9.3 Representing Relations (by Matrices) 30:34
- Exercise: 9.5 equivalence relation 48:34
- Exercise: 9.6 partial ordering 16:20
CHAPTER 10 graphs
- 10.1 graphs 12:16
- 10.2 graph terminology 17:18
- 10.2 handshaking theorem 16:16
- 10.2 special simple graph 12:18
- 10.2 bipartite graph 26:41
- 10.2 subgraph 12:57
- أسئلة إضافية في الخطة درس 10.2 16:47
- 10.3 graph isomorphsim 28:04
- 10.3 Adjacency and Incidence Matrices (تم إضافته بعد التحديث) 13:53
- 10.4 path and connected graph 31:25
- 10.4 Cut Vertex - Cut Eage - Pathes and Isomorphism (للأولاد فقط) 22:39
- 10.7 planar graphs part 1 15:08
- 10.7 planar graphs part 2 14:11
chapter 11 trees
chapter 12 boolean algebra
- 12.1 introduction to boolean algebra 12:08
- 12.1 boolean function 32:17
- 12.1 duality 09:24
- 12.2 representing boolean function 24:50
- 12.2 Product of sum Expansion CPS 25:15
- 12.3 logic gates 11:53
- 12.3 example 3 11:30
- 12.4 minimization of circuits part 1 13:00
- 12.4 minimization of circuits part 2 18:35
- 12.4 minimization of circuits part 3 26:15
- 12.4 minimization of circuits part 4 05:43
- 12.4 minimization of circuits part 5 19:04
- 12.4 minimization of circuits part 6 21:09
- Homework
Exercises of math 151
- 1.1 propositional logic 35:51
- 1.3 propositional equivalence 50:55
- 1.4 Predicates and Quantifiers 30:03
- 1.6 Rules of Inference 17:31
- 1.7 Introduction to Proofs 27:56
- 1.8 Proof Methods and Strategy 26:58
- 2.1 Sets 23:12
- 2.2 Set Operations 11:32
- 5.1 Mathematical Induction part 1 17:30
- 5.1 Mathematical Induction part 2 13:31
- 5.1 Mathematical induction part 3 28:28
- 5-2 Strong Induction Part 1 15:34
- 5.2 Strong induction Part 2 39:00
- 9.1 Relations and their Properties part 1 35:44
- 9.1 Relations and their Properties part 2 47:05
- 9.1 Relations and their Properties part 3 09:32
- 9.1 Extra Exercise 06:53
- 9.3 representing relation 18:56
- 9.3 Representing Relations (by Matrices) 30:34
- 9.4 closures of relations part1 13:38
- 9.4 closures of relations part2 10:42
- 9.5 equivalence relation 48:34
- 9.6 partial ordering 16:20
- 10.1 graphs 09:09
- 10-2 Graph Terminology and Special Types of Graphs part1 13:38
- 10-2 Graph Terminology and Special Types of Graphs part2 31:12
- 10.3 graph isomorphsim 16:54
- 10.4 connectivity 09:49
- 10.7 planar graphs 10:03
- 11.1 introduction to tree 14:08
- 11.2 application of trees 10:59
- 11.4 spanning tree 08:21
- 12.1 boolean function 24:07
- 12.2 representing boolean function 14:37
- 12.3 logic gates 10:35
- 12.4 minimization of circuits 44:47
- Quiz 1 33:11
- Quiz1-Boy-2021 16:57
- حل نموذج ميد ١ عام ٢٠٢٠ 01:17:40
- حل نموذج ميد ١ عام ٢٠٢٣ 45:51
- review - ch1 19:33
- review - ksu - mid1 - part1 29:25
- review - ksu - mid1 - part2 15:17
- review - ksu - mid1 - part3 01:20:32
- review - ksu - mid2 - part1 39:01
- review - ksu - mid2 - part2 17:06
- review - ksu - mid2 - part3 10:33
- review - ksu - mid2 - part4 18:08
- 💥 حل نموذج ميد ٢ عام ٢٠٢٣ 💥 48:11
- final review part 1 36:02
- final review part 2 23:07
- final review part 3 25:25
- حل نموذج فاينل كامل 01:18:00
tutorial math151
- tutorial 1 - 1.1. Propositional Logic 16:30
- tutorial 2 - 1.3. Propositional Equivalences 15:37
- tutorial 3 - 1.4. Predicates and Quantifiers 16:21
- tutorial 5 - 1.7. Introduction to Proofs 09:03
- tutorial 7 - 2.1 and 2.2 20:17
- tutorial 8 - ch 9 relations part 1 26:27
- tutorial 9 - ch 9 relations part 2 09:06
Chapter 1 The Foundations: Logic and Proofs (new)
- logical equivalence, arguments, methods of proof. Relations, equivalence relations, order relations. Boolean algebras, logic circuits, simplification of circuits. Graphs, connectedness, isomorphisms, planar graphs, trees, applications
• Hadeel Mohammed Almadiny. • Lecturer in Vision Academy. • Specialty in mathematics. • Graduated from (KSU)with calss honor. ~ Experiences: • teacher in international school. • English language. • Strategic teaching course. ~ Achievements: • Title of scientific meeting leader in KSU.
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