- part1_Light Phenomena-edited 2023 21:16
- part 2 and 3- Interference and polarization -edited 2023 33:17
- part4-Flat Mirrors-edited 2023 13:09
- Part 5- Reflection -and type of mirrors -2023 25:20
- Part 6-Refraction-Same slid 2022 11:44
- part 7-principle of reversibility -edited 2023 16:16
- part8 -Refraction Calculation with examples same slid2022 20:17
- part 9-Critical angle-same slides 2022 18:08
- part10-lenses and mirror-Introduction 39:21
- part11- mirrors 12:36
- part12 - lenses 20:53
- part 13- Calculations important 35:21
- part14 -Application 18:08
- part15 -review -card+اسئلة اختبار 22:32